Fumoto Business
2025-02-27 05:05:22

How do I check if my Fumoto valve is leaking?

Please use the checklist below to determine if your Fumoto valve is leaking, and if so, how to proceed?  

1. Make sure the valve is fully closed. The lever must be fully seated in the recessed position for the valve to be fully closed. The second picture is of an SX type valve.

lever_clip_outline.png    lever_clip_outline_2.png


  • Tip: Using a lever clip is a good way to ensure that your valve is fully closed. This is because a lever clip can only be installed when the lever is fully in the closed position. 


2. Check to see where the oil is leaking from.

  • If the leak is coming from the oil drain port, 
    • The gasket washer or o-ring may have been improperly installed and/or damaged. If this is the case, we recommend replacing the gasket washer or o-ring. 
    • The threads on the oil pan may be damaged. If this is the case, the valve may not be sealed completely to the drain port, and the threads will need to be fixed prior to re-install the valve with a new gasket washer(or an o-ring for SX type valves). 
    • The threads on the valve may be damaged. If this is the case, the valve can not be sealed completely to the drain port, and you would need to replace the valve.
    • The threads on both the oil pan and valve may be damaged. 
  • If the leak is from the valveā€™s body,  
    • The valve might be damaged and need to be replaced. The valve could have been damaged by being installed incorrectly. or by being hit by something on the road while the vehicle is in operation. 


We can send a gasket washer or o-ring replacement free of charge in the United States. Canadian customers need to pay for the shipping cost. If the valve needs to be replaced, please contact us to see if our return policy or warranty policy can be applied. Please call at (877)350-5584 or contact us.


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